The BartramianSandpiper even now is a great factor each summer in checking the increasing locusts on our prairies.
Uso de upland plover en inglés
They are eaten by the Wilson phalarope, avocet, black-necked stilt, pectoral sandpiper, killdeer, and uplandplover.
Wood duck, uplandplover, least tern, Wilson tern, roseate tern, black skimmer, oystercatcher, and numerous other littoral species.
Wood-duck, knot, greater yellow-legs, uplandplover, golden plover, piping plover, great horned owl.-(Harry S. Hathaway, South Auburn.)
Two species of shorebirds, the killdeer and uplandplover, still further befriend cattle by devouring the North American fever tick.
Wood-duck and uplandplover.
Wild turkey (abundant up to 1898); woodcock, uplandplover, Hudsonian curlew, Carolina rail, Virginia rail, clapper rail and coot.
Wireworms and their adult forms, click beetles, are devoured by the northern phalarope, woodcock, jacksnipe, pectoral sandpiper, killdeer, and uplandplover.
There were uplandplover in great plenty; and before I had been away from the camp fifteen minutes I had several in my pockets.
Wood-duck, prairie hen, uplandplover, sharp-tailed grouse, canvas-back, pinnated and ruffed grouse, double-crested cormorant, blue heron, long-billed curlew, whooping crane and white pelican.-(W.B.
Wood-duck, uplandplover, purple martin, house wren, pileated woodpecker, bald eagle, yellow-legs, great blue heron, Canada goose, redhead and canvasback duck.-(John F. Sprague, Dover.)
Uplandplover, apparently killdeer, egret, wood-duck, woodcock, and probably others.-(B.S.